2014 Annual Conference Presentations
September 10-12, Brown County State Park

Please click one of the links below to view Abstracts of the Presentations, Biographies of the Presenters, and a copy of the Presentation and any related materials.
Table of Contents Click on link below to go directly to track
Plenary Sessions and Early Bird Meetings
A1 |
Above and Beyond the Stormwater Quality/Quantity Relationship |
A2 |
Organic Wastewater Compounds in Water and Sediment of Restored Wetlands, Great Marsh, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, 2009-11 |
A3 |
CFM Refresher Course |
B |
A Pathway to No-Adverse-Impact Agricultural Drainage and Urban Development |
C |
Effects of Stormwater Runoff on Water Quality in Upper White River |
D |
Evaluating Geomorphic Change in Constructed Two-Stage Ditches in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan |
Early Bird Stormwater - IDEM Round Table - Updates and Discussion of Current Program Activities |
Early Bird Floodplain - Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies, What Ingredients am I Getting? |
ASFPM Foundation Presentation |
Concurrent Sessions (Floodplain Track)
A1 |
IDNR Discussing the New Worksheet for Construction in a Floodway |
Indiana DNR Updates |
A2 |
Floodplain Mapping Using SSURGO Soil Database |
A3 |
Koontz Lake Dam Rehabilitation Project |
The Changing NFIP and its Effect on Local Floodplain Management |
B1 |
An Introduction to ArcGIS Online and Mapping Floodprone Structures |
Reaching out with Unique Partners The 1913 Outreach Experience |
B2 |
Maps are Everywhere (GIS) |
Superstorm Sandy - New Jersey Household Hazardous Waste Response Case Study |
B3 |
Violations Happen...Working Together for a Resolution |
QCritical – The Missing Link Between Stormwater Quantity and Quality |
B4 |
When Minimum Standards are Not Enough |
Fluvial Erosion |
C1 |
Discover. Act. Mitigate. |
Low Head Dams |
C2 |
CRS and FEMA Updates |
Concurrent Sessions (MS4 Track)
A1 |
Municipal Facilities - Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping |
A2 |
Outreach and Education Made Easy through Social Media Marketing |
A3 |
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Review |
B1 |
4-H Soil and Water Project Update |
B2 |
Tips for Conducting Informal Youth Education |
B3 |
Clean Water, Clear Choices |
B4 |
Community Cooperation for an Effective Illicit Discharge Program |
C1 |
Monroe County MS4 Perspective on I-69 Extension Stormwater Issues |
C2 |
Back to Basics: Proper Placement Of ESC BMPs |
Concurrent Sessions (Stormwater Track)
A1 |
Flat Ditches CAN Work! Introducing the Hybrid Ditch |
A2 |
Groundwater Flow Simulation and Effects of Ditching on Stormwater Runoff near Long Lake, Indiana Dunes |
A3 |
Stormwater Rate Alternatives / Stormwater Project Financing |
B1 |
Trenchless Point Repairs: A Necessary and Cost Effective Tool in the Toolbox |
B2 |
Regional Application of LID to Eliminate On-site Stormwater BMPs |
B3 |
Using Inexpensive ESRI Tools to Leverage Your GIS Assets for All |
B4 |
Design and Construction Lessons Learned for Green Infrastructure Projects |
C1 |
Lessons Learned From 30,000 (ESC) Inspections |
C2 |
Indy Rezone – City of Indianapolis Comprehensive Ordinance Update |